musical instruments

The Musical Traditions And Instruments Of The Zulu

The Musical Traditions And Instruments Of The Zulu

African music is the music of Africans who live in a large region of 50 nations, each with a special culture, history and language, South of Sahara. Zulu musical instruments are part of this multilingual culture. African music has some distinct characteristics: the use of repetition is one of them. Another important characteristic is the

Didgeridoo – The World’s Oldest Wind Instrument

Didgeridoo – The World’s Oldest Wind Instrument

Equally history would be inflicted with it, the didgeridoo is perceived as the world’s oldest wind instrument. It is estimated to appointment back thousands of years past, as it originated as a musical instrument from the North Australian Aborigine. This wind instrument is played traditionally collectively with applaud sticks or acclamation two boomerangs collectively in

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